Andrew Forrest
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Andrew is a food scientist with broad food industry experience and has been providing research and food industry compliance capability to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries since 2002. Front and centre of this capability has ben to the seafood industry of both wild harvest fisheries and aquaculture industries.
More recently Andrew is project lead for the Queensland Brewlab, a key component of the Queensland Craft Beer Strategy launched in 2019. The goal of the Queensland Brewlab has been to provide the craft brewing industry with access to key quality assurance capability (chemistry and microbiology) and provide training in specific areas of beer quality including flavour taints and sensory assessment. The Queensland Brewlab also offers and R&D space for new businesses wanting to develop recipes for the craft beer market.
Andrew has a strong interest in the new and novel fermented beverage markets including gluten free beer, low and zero alcohol beer, and cultural brewing products using cultures other than saccharomyces for fermentation. Other research projects currently being undertaken are investigating the incorporation of spent brewers’ grain into functional food ingredients.
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