Session Information
7-Jul, 13:30 - 15:30
Sustainability for the Future – Innovation & Transformation
Central room B
Whilst there are many factors involved for a business to be sustainable on the inside and out everyone can start with some important small steps. Understanding what a Circular Economy means to your business, how you can implement strategies to lower environmental impacts across all areas of your business and follow the principles for designing out waste at the start are just some of these steps. Looking beyond the current ‘take, make and dispose’ extractive industrial model, the circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design. Relying on system-wide innovation, it aims to redefine products and services to design waste out, while minimising negative impacts.
Establishing a Circular Economy enables a business to maintain the value of products materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible, alleviate security of supply risks, increases competitiveness, creates new business opportunities and introduces innovative products and services.
Come and hear from some leading experts in this space including Circular Economy experts, Sustainable design experts and Product Stewardship Schemes that are making a difference in the region. Everyone has a role to play in lowering environmental impacts. Come and find out how.
• 1.30 – 1.35: Welcome and introduction to session - Session Chair - Ralph Moyle FAIP, CPP, Education Coordinator, AIP
• 1.35 – 2.05: What does sustainability mean in 2022 and beyond Keynote Speaker - Nerida Kelton, Vice President Sustainability & Save Food, WPO
• 2.05 – 3.05: Panel discussion
Barry Cosier, Director - Sustainability, Australian Food & Grocery Council (AFGC)
Dr Nicole Garofano AAIP, ACE HUB Team, PlanetArk
Ebony Johnson, Policy Manager, National Retail Association
Alan Adams MAIP, Sustainability Director APAC, Sealed Air
• 3.05 – 3.30: Panel Q & A